Propunere abrogare Regulament UE 305/2011

Proposal repealing EU Regulation 305/2011

The European Commission has adopted the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products, amending the EU Regulation 1020/2019 and repealing the EU Regulation 305/2011 (“CPR review”).

The two general objectives of the CPR review are to:

  • improve the functioning of the single market for construction products;
  • to contribute to the objectives of the European Green Pact for the transition to a modern and competitive green and digital economy.

A few proposals from the new Regulation:

  • Introduce instruments to reduce barriers to the marketing of products between EU Member States by removing conflicting or overlapping rules at EU or national level, Laying down harmonized provisions on how to express the performance of construction products with regard to their technical characteristics and on the use of the CE marking affixed to those products, as well as tools to improve law enforcement and market surveillance;
  • it sets sustainability criteria for construction products, namely: design and production of a good and packaging in a way that ensures environmental protection, prioritizes recyclable or recycled materials, designing goods so as to facilitate their reuse and recycling;
  • it provides the obligation to create a database of construction products containing instructions for their use and repair;
  • Establishes the issue by the manufacturer of a declaration of performance and a declaration of conformity with EU requirements;
  • use of digital tools, information and documents to be processed, transmitted and archived through a computer system (e.g. introducing the Digital Passport of the product). Pasaportul Digital al produsului).

More details on this topic can be found at the following link: