Testing laboratory for building materials
The Testing Laboratory for construction materials has established, implements and maintains a system in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17025, corresponding to its field of activity. It was founded in 2007 and is an integral part of the QUALITY CERT certification body.
Accreditation obtained by the laboratory in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17025 allows it to demonstrate that it is functioning competently and generates valid results, thus promoting confidence in the work carried out, both nationally and internationally.
Rapoartele de încercări emise de laboratorul nostru sub acreditarea RENAR, sunt acceptate de la o țară la alta, fără a fi nevoie de încercări suplimentare.
The advantages of carrying out tests in the QUALITY CERT laboratory refer to:
- compliance with legal requirements;
- a good promotion on the market of your products, whose performance level is established in an accredited/notified laboratory that:
- uses equipment verified and calibrated by accredited entities;
- valid testing standards are respected;
- has staff with experience in the field, qualified and recognized.
The testing laboratory shall have independence in making decisions concerning:
- internal organization and administration;
- tests carried out;
- continuous training of laboratory personnel;
- relations with clients and external accreditation organizations, the regulatory authority and other specialized institutions, are ensured within the limits of the competition granted by the legislation and the QUALITY – CERT President.
Acreditarea conform SR EN ISO/IEC 17025 a laboratorul aigura respectarea tuturor cerintelor de impartialitate, confidentialitate si a drepturilor de proprietate ale clientilor sai. De asemenea, dispune de protectia si stocarea rezultatelor.
The construction products that Testing laboratory for building materials QUALITY CERT tests, are the following:
- Aggregates
- Concrete
- Masonery
- Autoclaved aerated concrete
- Asphalt mixtures
- Mortar
- Cement
- Prefabricated products of concrete;
Produsele supuse determinarii eficacitatii ignifugarii in Laboratorul de incercari materiale de constructii al QUALITY – CERT, sunt urmatoarele:
- Fireproof wood
- Covering and filling materials for upholstery
- Vertically oriented textile material
Detailed information regarding the RENAR accreditation of the laboratory
Accreditation certificate no. LI 535
Appendix 1 of Accreditation certificate no. LI 535
Accreditation Certificate no. LI 535 (EN)
The Testing laboratory for building materials has its headquarters in:
52 Pipera Avenue, District 2, Bucharest