Certificari ale sistemelor de management pentru calitate, mediu, securitate si sanatate in munca, securitatea informatiei, responsabilitate sociala, siguranta alimentelor
Testing laboratory for the wood and furniture industry
Testing laboratory for building materials
Who we are?
We are a prestigious certification organization, accredited by RENAR, and we offer excellence in the field of certifications since 2001.
We are Members of PSC, ASRO, RNLC, ACRM, APMR, RENAR.
We are notified at European level and registered with no. NB 1870 in the Official journal of the European Union for the conformity assessment of products.
We are present both on the Romanian market and on the international market through certifications in Bulgaria, Serbia, Republic of Moldova.
We offer customized certification services depending on the structure, size and field of activity of the organization, including the entire range of tests in the case of product performance certification.
We are the initiators at national level of the system of certification of the technical and professional qualification of the economic operators in the construction field.
What recommends us?
Our recommendation is our experience in the field over 20 years, professionalism and ethical behavior of the staff, as well as impartiality in the certification process.
QUALITY CERT has a portfolio of high value and quality clients who constantly and confidently appeal to our services.